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Logo Crypto Check
Crypto Check

Blog and resource center for a Web3 media platform

Identity and Webdesign
Webflow blog
Web3 media
Crypto Check logo banner

/ About Crypto Check

Crypto Check is a French media platform dedicated to analyzing and simplifying the world of cryptocurrencies. Through research, educational content, and expert advice, it helps investors and enthusiasts better understand digital assets. The platform also organizes events and training sessions to democratize access to information and decode crypto market trends.

Cryptocheck - Mockup

/ the project

The site is designed and developed as a scalable blog, enabling autonomous updates and efficient newsletter subscriber management. Backed by Hasheur (Owen Simonin), the project features a modern visual identity with a solar gradient symbolizing wealth and investment. Built on Webflow, it optimizes conversions through a landing page focused on study downloads and a Notion toolkit while integrating a search bar and a newsletter signup system.

Crypto Check - Etude
Crypto Check - Sticker
Crypto Check - Product image

/ Testimonial

“'s team allowed us to create our graphic identity and website in record time, while maintaining a high level of quality. ”
Romain Ouzeau
Romain Ouzeau
Founder & CEO
Crypto Check
Crypto Check - Quote
Crypto Check - Owen Simonin - Hasheur
Crypto Check - CTA
Crypto Check - Stickers
Crypto Check - Apps
Crypto Check - Guide

The project team

Founder & Senior Webflow expert certified
Graphic designer