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Logo Farly

A vibrant art direction for a playful and impactful website

Full rebrand
Art direction
Lottie animation
Farly logo banner

/ About Farly

Farly, developed by Mobsuccess, is a dedicated mobile marketing solution that helps businesses optimize user acquisition and retention for apps. Leveraging proprietary technologies and advanced digital marketing expertise, Farly delivers high-performance strategies to maximize app engagement and visibility. Its approach is built on result transparency, real-time campaign optimization, and a deep understanding of the user journey.

Farly - Image
Farly - icon
Farly - Website mockup

/ the project

The mission focused on rebranding the brand to clarify its positioning and make its mobile growth hacking technology more accessible. The visual approach combines familiar app user interfaces (messaging, stories, etc.) with a vibrant and dynamic color palette, enhancing the understanding of the offering. From branding to web design and Webflow integration, Mazette designed an animated and interactive site, balancing originality with functional structure for a smooth and engaging user experience.

Farly - Blocks
Farly - Girl smiling and touching her hairs
Farly - Icon
Farly - Mobile icon
Farly - Color palet
Farly - Icon
Farly - Website mockup
Farly - Product imageFarly - Product image
Farly - Call to action
Farly - Mobile mockup
Farly - Desktop mockup

The project team

Founder & Senior Webflow expert certified